DERMAdoctor Specialist Skincare

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Keratosis Pilaris Forum

Half of the over-all population has Keratosis Pilaris (KP) are you one of them? KP is a dry skin condition that usually appears like goosebumps, on the back of the arms (often referred to as "chicken skin").

Discuss this skin disorder with others on the
Keratosis Pilaris Message Board.

1 comment:

JamesG said...

I have used Sr lotion for my dry skin. It's something that I want to continue doing. The fact that there is no cure for this condition (KP) and of course I want better skin, I intend to the same cream for the rest of my life. It has managed my skin to an excellent improvement.

I have gotten my first bottle online at I can only wish it will soon be available over the counter.

If you have dry skin and keratosis pilaris, lessen the condition by washing your skin daily with a mild cleanser, exfoliating often using a loofah and use a product such as the ZENMED AHA/BHA Complex or the ZENMED Microdermabrasion Complex, and keep all dry areas well moisturized.